Choosing Between 1300 Numbers and Local Numbers for Your Australian Business: A Comprehensive Guide with Siptalk Extensions

Choosing the best option In the competitive landscape of Australian business, communication plays a vital role in connecting with customers and driving success. The decision between using a 1300 number or a local number can significantly impact customer engagement, cost efficiency, and the overall perception of your brand. With options such as 1300 numbers offering a nationwide reach at $10 per month, and local numbers catering to state-specific callers at just $3 per month, the choice is far from simple. Furthermore, utilising Siptalk extensions can provide additional benefits, including free calls received into local numbers and a mere 5c per minute cost for calls received into 1300 numbers. This guide aims to demystify these options, exploring the nuances of 1300 and local numbers, and helping Australian businesses make an informed decision that aligns with their unique needs and objectives. Whether your business is broad-reaching or rooted in local community connections, this comprehensive analysis will offer insights tailored to your strategic goals.


In today's fast-paced and interconnected business environment, the importance of choosing the right business phone system in Australia cannot be understated. The communication channels a company implements are integral to its brand image, accessibility, and overall success. A well-considered decision in this regard directly impacts the customer experience, creating either a seamless connection or potential barriers.

The choice between a 1300 number and a local number offers different advantages, shaped by the nature and location of the business. A 1300 number, priced at $10 per month with a 5c per minute charge when answered on Siptalk extensions, provides a consistent nationwide presence. Conversely, a local number, with a $3 monthly rental and free calls on Siptalk extensions, caters specifically to those businesses focusing on a state or local market.

The utilization of Siptalk extensions further accentuates the value of this decision, offering unique benefits tailored to these two distinct options. Siptalk's robust and cost-effective solutions facilitate enhanced connectivity and audio quality, underpinning the choice between a 1300 number and a local number.

This guide is crafted with the aim of providing an insightful analysis of these two options, exploring the costs, benefits, and practical implications for Australian businesses. Whether your organisation seeks to extend its reach across the nation or deeply engage with the local community, this comprehensive examination will assist in identifying the option that best aligns with your unique needs and goals. The subsequent sections will delve into the intricacies of 1300 numbers and local numbers, offering a comparative perspective and thoughtful recommendations, all through the reliable lens of Siptalk's offerings.

Understanding 1300 Numbers

Definition and Purpose of 1300 Numbers

1300 numbers are Australia's local rate telephone numbers, allowing businesses to have a single point of contact across the country. Unlike standard local numbers, a 1300 number provides a unified and professional appearance, irrespective of the geographical location of the caller or the business.

Cost Structure

When it comes to cost, a 1300 number carries a monthly rental fee of $10. Calls received into a 1300 number cost 5c per minute if they're answered on Siptalk extensions. This cost structure ensures a balance between accessibility and budget control, allowing businesses to project a nationwide presence without incurring substantial expenses.

Benefits and Potential Use Cases

1300 numbers offer several unique advantages:
  • National Presence: They allow businesses to promote a single contact number across different states and territories, fostering a sense of cohesion.
  • Customisation: Options for memorable or phoneword numbers can enhance brand recall.
  • Flexibility: Calls to a 1300 number can be routed to different locations, providing seamless service regardless of the time or recipient's location.
  • Integration with Siptalk: Leveraging Siptalk extensions with 1300 numbers ensures quality connections at competitive rates.

These features make 1300 numbers particularly suitable for businesses that operate across different regions or aim to expand their reach, such as franchises, e-commerce platforms, and service providers.

Considerations for Businesses with a Broader Reach

For businesses targeting a national audience or operating in multiple locations, 1300 numbers are an ideal choice. They encapsulate a broader reach, fostering a unified brand image. The affordable cost structure, especially when integrated with Siptalk extensions, makes it an accessible option even for small to medium-sized businesses.

However, it's essential to align this choice with the business's marketing strategy and customer expectations. Understanding the demographics, preferences, and needs of the audience ensures that the 1300 number serves as a tool for engagement rather than a mere contact point.

Local bridge in Melbourne

Understanding Local Numbers

Definition and Characteristics of Local Numbers

Local numbers are specific telephone numbers tied to a particular geographical area within Australia. These numbers are designed to serve a distinct local region, allowing businesses to appear approachable and embedded within the community. Unlike 1300 numbers, which provide a unified presence across the country, local numbers offer a sense of proximity and personal connection to callers within the same state or locality.

Cost Structure

Local numbers are a cost-effective option for businesses, with a monthly rental fee of only $3. Moreover, when calls are received into a local number and answered on Siptalk extensions, they are entirely free. This pricing model offers an appealing choice for small businesses or those focusing primarily on a specific region, providing quality connectivity without a significant financial burden.

Benefits and Suitability for State-Specific or Local-Based Businesses

Local numbers present several benefits, especially for businesses aiming to connect with a particular geographical area:
  • Community Connection: A local number fosters trust and familiarity, making the business appear as an integral part of the community.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: With a low monthly fee and free calls on Siptalk extensions, local numbers are an economical choice.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Being local encourages more interaction and may lead to increased customer engagement and loyalty.
  • Integration with Siptalk: Utilising Siptalk's reliable extensions with local numbers ensures seamless and cost-free connections within the region.

These characteristics make local numbers a fitting choice for businesses such as local retailers, service providers, and community organisations.

When a Local Number Makes More Sense

Choosing a local number becomes an astute decision when the business's nature is local-based, and the majority of callers are from the same state. If the intention is to cultivate a strong community presence and facilitate closer connections, a local number enhances this engagement. Local numbers also make sense for small businesses or start-ups operating within a confined area, as the cost structure is highly favourable, especially when leveraging Siptalk's free call options.

The decision to opt for a local number should align with the company's values, target audience, and overall business strategy. In conjunction with Siptalk's robust and economical extensions, it allows for a connection that is not just about convenience but resonates with the community's identity and aspirations.

Comparative Analysis: 1300 vs. Local Numbers

The choice between 1300 numbers and local numbers is a pivotal decision for businesses in Australia, significantly impacting cost, customer perception, scalability, and technical alignment. This comparison explores these dimensions, incorporating the specific offerings of Siptalk to provide an informed analysis.

Cost Comparison

  • 1300 Numbers: The monthly rental for a 1300 number is $10, with a 5c per minute charge when answered on Siptalk extensions. This cost structure caters to businesses seeking a national reach, providing consistent access across Australia.

  • Local Numbers: A local number rental is $3 per month, and calls received are free if answered on Siptalk extensions. This makes local numbers a more economical choice for businesses focusing on a particular region.

While 1300 numbers offer caller location-based routing, which can be valuable for multi-location businesses, advertising multiple local numbers can often be more cost-effective.

Customer Perception and Accessibility

  • 1300 Numbers: Project a professional and unified brand image, appealing to a nationwide audience. They signal an established presence and can enhance brand recall with customisation options.

  • Local Numbers: These resonate with community values, fostering trust and familiarity within a specific geographical area. They may encourage more interactions due to the perceived local connection.

Scalability and Flexibility

  • 1300 Numbers: Offer significant scalability, catering to businesses expanding across states and territories. Their flexibility in routing calls ensures seamless service regardless of the time or recipient's location.

  • Local Numbers: Provide flexibility within a local context but may limit scalability if nationwide expansion is a future goal.

Technical Requirements and Setup with Siptalk

Both 1300 and local numbers have the same call handling and configuration options with Siptalk, ensuring ease of setup and management.

  • 1300 Numbers: May include caller location-based routing, a beneficial feature for multiple location handling.
  • Local Numbers: Simpler and more cost-effective, particularly if focusing on individual regions.

Integration with Siptalk ensures quality connections at competitive rates, regardless of the chosen option. Siptalk's robust extensions and support simplify the technical requirements, allowing businesses to focus on leveraging the features aligned with their strategic goals.

Case Studies and Real-World Scenarios

Understanding the tangible impact of choosing between 1300 numbers and local numbers requires exploring real-world applications. The following case studies and insights from Australian entrepreneurs and Siptalk users illuminate the strategic considerations and practical outcomes of these two options.

Case Study 1: National Retail Chain - 1300 Number

A prominent national retail chain in Australia adopted a 1300 number, allowing them to centralise customer inquiries. By implementing caller location-based routing through Siptalk, they efficiently directed calls to the nearest store.

Outcome: Enhanced customer experience, streamlined call handling, and an increased sense of brand unity across different regions.

Case Study 2: Local Health Clinic - Local Number

A community-focused health clinic in Melbourne opted for a local number with Siptalk extensions. This approach resonated with their commitment to provide personalized care within the community.

Outcome: Strengthened trust and accessibility, leading to increased patient engagement and satisfaction.

Insights from Australian Entrepreneurs

  • E-commerce Start-up, Sydney (1300 Number): "The 1300 number allowed our start-up to present a professional image from day one. Leveraging Siptalk's technology, we've managed to keep costs low while serving customers across the nation."

  • CafĂ© Owner, Adelaide (Local Number): "Our local number, integrated with Siptalk, has become a symbol of our connection to the community. It's more than a contact point; it's part of our identity."

Siptalk Users' Experiences

  • Tech Firm, Brisbane (1300 Number): "Siptalk's support in implementing our 1300 number has been crucial in scaling our business. The flexible routing options allow us to maintain a constant presence with clients all over Australia."

  • Artisan Boutique, Perth (Local Number): "Our local number, managed through Siptalk, has helped us foster a close-knit relationship with our customers. The affordability and efficiency have made a real difference in our daily operations."

Green ticks checkboxes

Choosing the Right Option for Your Business

The selection between a 1300 number and a local number is not merely a logistical choice but a strategic one that reflects your business's identity, goals, and customer engagement approach. Here's a comprehensive guide to aid Australian businesses in making this pivotal decision, considering factors like the nature of the business, location, target audience, and integration with Siptalk's innovative technology.

Factors to Consider

  • Business Nature: Assess whether your business is local-based or aims to have a national reach. Understanding your core operations and growth prospects will guide your choice.

  • Location and Target Audience: Your geographical focus and the demographics of your target audience play a crucial role. Local numbers might resonate more with a community-focused clientele, while 1300 numbers offer broader accessibility.

  • Cost Considerations: Compare the costs, including monthly rentals and per-minute charges, especially when considering the integration with Siptalk extensions. Evaluate the long-term financial implications aligned with your budget and growth strategy.

  • Technical Compatibility: Ensure that your existing technological infrastructure aligns with the chosen number, considering seamless integration with Siptalk's robust extensions and support.


  • For Local-Based Businesses: If your enterprise operates predominantly within a specific region and caters mainly to local customers, a local number may be more suitable. With a rental of $3 per month and free calls on Siptalk extensions, it presents a cost-effective and community-connected solution.

  • For Broad-Reaching Businesses: If your vision encompasses multiple locations across Australia, a 1300 number provides uniform accessibility. Although costing $10 per month and 5c per minute on Siptalk extensions, the flexibility and national presence may justify the investment.

Integration with Siptalk and Other Related Technology

Siptalk's versatile extensions and reliable support simplify the implementation and management of both 1300 and local numbers. Their tailored solutions provide:

  • Uniform Call Handling and Configuration: Both 1300 and local numbers offer the same handling and setup features with Siptalk.
  • Location-Based Routing (1300 Numbers): A unique advantage for businesses with multiple locations, though advertising multiple local numbers can be more cost-effective.
  • Quality and Cost-Efficiency: With Siptalk's Australian-focused offerings, businesses can maintain quality connections at competitive rates.


The decision between 1300 numbers and local numbers extends far beyond mere contact details; it is a strategic choice that shapes a business's identity, accessibility, and growth trajectory in the Australian market. This guide has endeavoured to illuminate the key factors, insights, and recommendations that can guide this important choice.

Summary of Key Findings

  • 1300 Numbers: Ideal for businesses aiming for a national reach, offering uniform accessibility across Australia, and scalable as the business grows, albeit at a higher cost.
  • Local Numbers: Preferable for community-centric or state-specific businesses, providing cost-effective solutions and a closer connection with the local audience.
  • Integration with Siptalk: Both options are seamlessly compatible with Siptalk extensions, with a uniform approach to call handling, quality connections, and competitive rates.

Aligning with Unique Needs and Goals

Every business has distinct aspirations, target audiences, and operational contexts. Aligning the choice of 1300 vs. local numbers with these unique elements ensures a coherent and effective communication strategy.

Siptalk Extensions: Reliability and Benefits

Siptalk's Australian-focused offerings amplify the benefits of both 1300 and local numbers, providing tailored solutions for various business needs and sizes. Their robust extensions, quality connections, and comprehensive support offer reliability and innovation that resonate with contemporary business requirements.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of customer engagement and digital communication, making informed and strategic choices is paramount. Let this guide serve as a compass, navigating the terrain of 1300 vs. local numbers, always anchored in your business's unique identity and goals.

Finally, it's worth considering Siptalk as a trusted partner in this journey, leveraging their technology, expertise, and dedication to Australian enterprises. Whether forging a national presence or nurturing local connections, the right number is more than a point of contact; it's a symbol of your commitment to excellence, engagement, and growth.

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please explore Siptalk's knowledge base or reach out directly to their dedicated support team.

Additional Resources and Contact Information

Embarking on the journey of selecting the right number for your business is made easier with the support of relevant resources, expert guidance, and technological tools. Below, you'll find links to Siptalk's Knowledge Base, support details, and other essential resources tailored for Australian businesses.

Siptalk Resources

  • Knowledge Base: Explore comprehensive guides, FAQs, and tutorials at Siptalk's Knowledge Base.
  • Support and Contact: For personalised assistance and queries, reach out to Siptalk's dedicated support team through the contact details available on their website.
  • Siptalk Echo Test: Test connectivity and audio quality of your VOIP device with Siptalk's echo test number 99299.
  • Device Extensions: Register your VOIP device to the platform and connect it with Siptalk extensions through the Siptalk portal.

Other Helpful Tools and Guides

  • Australian Telecommunications Guides: Various governmental and industry websites offer extensive information on telecommunications regulations, standards, and best practices in Australia.
  • Business Communication Forums: Engage with fellow Australian entrepreneurs, share experiences, and gain insights through local business forums and networking events.
  • Local Business Associations: Connect with regional business associations and chambers of commerce for tailored support, workshops, and resources specific to your location.

Your business's communication strategy is vital, and these resources provide the foundation and support to make informed and strategic decisions. The integration with Siptalk's innovative and reliable extensions adds an extra layer of confidence, ensuring that your choice resonates with your unique business identity, goals, and the broader Australian business landscape.

Should you need further assistance or have specific inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to Siptalk's support or explore their extensive Knowledge Base. Your success is a shared ambition, and the tools, insights, and expert guidance are at your fingertips.
19th August 2023
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