Knowledge Base - Portal Guides

Add a phone number

You can search for and select a number from within the portal and add it to your organisation.

This tutorial assumes you've already added an organisation, have selected it and are ready to add/manage services.

Go to the Services / Phone Number section

Click the [Add New Number] button.

And you see the Search Available Numbers section.

If you see a [Low Balance] alert, you will need to add funds to your account before you can select a number.

You can use the search field to find a particular number prefix or one in a location near you.

Search for 1300 numbers.

Virtual mobile number search.

You can search for a location.

You can also enter multiple search terms, like an area and number prefix.

Once you have found a number you like, use the [Select] button to add it to your organisation.

Then add it.

You'll be redirected to the numbers list and you can then manage the numbrer and configure the routing.

Check out: Routing profiles overview